Origin and development of coffee farms in the northern region of Chiapas


  • Carlos Arcos Vázquez




Coffee, Farms, Foreigners, Lands, Region


In this research, I seek to expose the origin and development of three coffee farms in the northern region of Chiapas: El Triunfo, La Primavera and Cuncumpá. For its geographical location the northern region, in administrative terms, is formed by the municipalities of La Libertad, Playas de Catazajá, Sitalá, Chilón, Huitiupán, Palenque, Salto de Agua, Tila, Sabanilla and Tumbalá, but for the purposes of my research only I will consider the municipalities that are located in the mountainous areas and boundaries of the north, as well as part of the plains of Palenque: Tumbalá, Palenque, Salto de Agua, Tila and Sabanilla. The study area is defined by its physiographic, economic, cultural, linguistic and ethnic status. The main characteristics that define it are natural factors (mountainous area), language as an element of identity (speakers of chol) and a particular economic activity that is the cultivation of coffee as aparticular economic activity.





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