The Representation of a Traditional Region in Qué lindo es Michoacán (Ismael Rodríguez, 1942)


  • Rosario Vidal Bonifaz Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Eduardo De la Vega Alfaro Doctor en Historia del Cine



modernity vs. tradition; city vs. country; folk sceneries; ranchera comedy


The present paper aims to explore the making and screening of Ismael Rodriguez's opera prima ¡Qué lindo es Michoacán!/El paraíso de México (1942); a film shot along Félix Ireta Viveros' state ruling. Ireta being a military man and politician formerly affiliated with Partido Nacional Revolucionario and then to Partido de la Revolución Mexicana. The right interiors settings in the aformentioned film ran under Ramón Rodríguez Granada's supervision and were shot in México Films studios, located in the nation's capital. But the outstanding role played by a landscape studded with lakes and mountains including Quinta Tzipécua, owned by Francisco J. Múgica, and Quinta Eréndira, both located in Pátzcuaro, the latter a property of General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, born in Michoacán and former Mexican President, complements the atmospheres created by the gifted Michoacan cameraman José Ortiz Ramos. And from a dramatic point of view, the newcomer director deploys in his film different kinds of antagonism: city vs. country; french cuisine opposing mexican; the dispute between two sawmill workers for the female protagonist's love; the quarrel among local women for the male protagonist's love; the contrasting vision of the rich landlady and the poor man; etc., all framed by the region's music creating a space where modernity and tradition fuse in fine sceneries which lenghten the folklore on its own terms; beginning and end of most films financed by the mexican film industry during its classic era.

Author Biography

Eduardo De la Vega Alfaro, Doctor en Historia del Cine

Doctor en Historia del Cine por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Es Profesor-Investigador Titular “C” en el Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Guadalajara, donde imparte cátedras sobre temas cinematográficos a nivel de licenciatura y postgrado; sus principales líneas de investigación son historia del cine mexicano, latinoamericano y análisis del arte de vanguardia. Ha publicado crítica y ensayo acerca de  diversos aspectos cinematográficos en periódicos, revistas y libros editados en México y el extranjero e igualmente es autor o coautor de monografías acerca de la vida y obra de cineastas y actores mexicanos. Ha llevado a cabo tareas de difusión entre las que destacan la organización de las diez ediciones del Coloquio Nacional de Historia del Cine Regional y los trabajos de investigación para varios documentales sobre arte cinematográfico. Ganador del "Premio Nacional de Crítica de Artes Plásticas Luis Cardoza y Aragón" (1995), asimismo es integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Nivel III).


2025-03-11 — Updated on 2025-03-11



