Vol. 5 No. 10 (2024)
This edition, 'The Public University Under Debate,' offers a reflection on the current state of public universities, their challenges, potential democratization, role in social critique, and their connections with various societal actors. The articles raise questions about the feasibility of advancing towards open and inclusive universities, and the possibility of resisting the corporate interests that presently dominate them. -
Vol. 5 No. 9 (2024)
This issue is dedicated to reviewing the concept of inequality. It seems important to us to propose a pause to think critically about how researchers interested in this topic construct the argument of inequality not only as a social problem, but as a sociological problem, that is, not only as a failure in the distribution of resources, but as the functional result of social arrangements sustained by asymmetrical power relations, both at the structural level and at the level of social interactions. The published articles show a critical vision of studies of inequalities from the social sciences and, in particular, from sociology. -
Vol. 4 No. 8 (2023)
"The era of transportation, critical contributions to the study of speed" we focus research on understanding the various ways in which motorized transportation modifies not only the space of modern societies, but also the interactions and perceptions of people in the 21st century. XXI. -
Vol. 4 No. 7 (2023)
At this point, those of us who cultivate the humanistic disciplines and the so-called social sciences, should be aware of the enormous legacy of garbage science that, among other things, allows diagnosing behaviors in consumption, waste disposal, environmental policies, technical decisions over those of social needs. In the field of the country's social sciences, the absence of the enormous potential that garbology has to understand the environmental dynamics of today's metropolises seems to be more than an intellectual neglect, a lack of knowledge of it or in the worst case, a disregard for the methodological and theoretical deployment of this knowledge. The purpose of this issue is based on this call for attention not only to sociology, but to the social sciences in general. -
Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022)
Las ciencias sociales todavía no profundizan a cabalidad el fenómeno del agua. No han construido, a partir de sus propios conceptos y categorías, comprensiones amplias de las realidades del agua. -
No. 7 (2015)
La búsqueda de una sociedad feliz, de un orden social que permita la convivencia armónica entre iguales y diferentes, con base en el respeto a la dignidad y diversidad sociocultural así como en los derechos humanos, requiere la participación ciudadana y del Estado. Para tal fin, las sociedades han creado instituciones, leyes, normas, códigos y acuerdos: un marco jurídico en que se fundamentan los derechos ciudadanos y los deberes del Estado. En este contexto, el estudio de las políticas públicas, su planeación, aplicación y evaluación en diversos niveles de gobierno nos permite conocer el estado actual del desarrollo social, así como evaluar la correcta interpretación y valoración de las necesidades sociales y las respuestas que da el Estado para resolver los grandes problemas nacionales.